Mind/Body Therapy for Infertility from Dr. Robin Roberts
Dr. Robin Roberts is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a private practice in west Los Angeles. She and her husband
experienced infertility in the early 1990’s, before there was ICSI, PGD, and many of the other advances that are available
to individuals and couples today. Though formally trained in psychotherapy, she has always focused on the imaginary
line between the mind and the body, as medical care alone is insufficient for total healing. She moves between the levels of
mind and body by bringing thoughts (mind), emotions and sensations (body) into awareness and into the dialogue between
her and the patient. This facilitates patients in regaining a sense of wholeness, security, and receptivity that is lost in the
recurring cycles of medical treatment in the drive to become pregnant.
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Many women dealing with infertility feel bad, but
most don’t realize that they are actually depressed as well. They labor under the harmful misconception that advanced medical techniques should be sufficient for conception. Studies show, however, that having an optimistic outlook, sound problem solving and stress
management skills, less marital conflict, and a good mood improve treatment outcomes. When the mind and the body are addressed in treatment,
amazing things happen. Click here to learn more about Dr. Robin Roberts and her approach to Infertility Distress Therapy.